Why Is Digital Marketing Important To Business?

As I covered what digital marketing was about in basic terms previously, I thought it was important to also look at why it is so important to a business. Having an online presence is important for a business in this day and age, because people like to access information quickly.

Simply put, if you don’t buy a ticket you can’t win the lottery. Having no digital presence is potentially a huge stumbling block to your business, because if people can’t find you quickly and easily then they will go to a rival. In the age of the smart phone and tablet this is particularly important, as there is a very on demand culture.

Digital marketing allows you to get traffic and enquiries quickly and easily; whether this is an order on your site, an email to your team or finding your number to call you and discuss the products or services you offer. Pay per click advertising has developed in such a way that there are numerous ways to get information or even call direct from a mobile without seeing your site, if you don’t have this in place, then more savvy competitors will take advantage and get any potential traffic that could have come your way.

The widespread use of social media is another way in which online marketing can be used to your advantage. Having a presence on twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn etc (or any combination of these for that matter) means that people can interact with your brand, feel that it is more personal, find reviews and you can interact with them. The use of social media allows you to put at personality and human touch to your brand; and keeping on top of things can help deal with customer feedback quickly and effectively. This will also help build a buzz around your business if people have good interactions and a positive experience.

Having a digital presence means that your business has a better authority and will become more trusted. You can allow people to find out about the business itself with your site; and prove knowledge around the area that you operate in. This sense of authority adds to peace of mind and belief in the way your business operates in the industry.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a step towards why you should think about focusing your efforts on digital marketing!

Thanks for getting this far! Please feel free to give a comment! and find me on twitter; linkedin; tumblr, GiffGaff or last.fm!

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