Exploiting The Dead – Britain First And It’s Use Of Poppies

The Poppy – long since a symbol of remembrance for those who have died in battle throughout various wars – most notably as a symbol of remembrance day and sold by the Royal British Legion in order to raise funds to help those affected by loss and injury during combat either finanically or in other ways. Yet at the minute one place that the poppy seems to be continually appearing, is in material and merchandise produced by Britain First and their cronies.
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Coffee And Cigarettes – Further Restrictions On Smoking In Public

This may not be a popular topic with some, but there is a debate at present about whether or not to change the smoking ban in favour of stricter regulations in public areas. Now don’t get me wrong I agreed with the initial phase of this – I used to work in pubs and it being stopped inside was a blessing.
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More UKIP Truth Bombs – Awkward Conversations

As you’re probably aware, UKIP have finally managed to get their first MP in parliament. Now personally I’m not sure I see this as a win for them, as the incumbent of the seat contested in the by-election defected from the Tories to UKIP therefore triggering the need for a vote. The constituents may have voted for him as ukip and may have voted for him to continue what he was doing.
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Red White And Brainwashed – The Rise of EDL, Britain First, UKIP

One thing that unsettles me, more than the potential of Ebola affecting us in the UK or people succumbing to falling for pyramid schemes, is the rise of groups such as EDL, Britain First, UKIP. These nasty pockets of politics are designed to stir up those that feel they’ve been wronged by the current system and that these groups or parties (often mainly single policy) can be the way they’ll get out of their situation.
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Boston Marathon

This is just a quick post, I’m not going to claim to understand the whole situation or present an opinion about the how’s and why’s of it all.

However I will say I am appalled that somebody could take an event that was a family day out and a charity event for the good of the community and causes to do commit such an act. But in its nature terrorism, doesn’t care about these things, and this is the way the people behind it unfortunately make their statements, even if the cause they represent is totally irrelevant to the event in question.

I’ve met some great people from Boston and hope they’re safe along with anyone else who has been affected by this in a personal way.