Redundancy Day 2 – Now What?

We’re at day 2 of this weird redundancy journey. Fair to say that the feeling of knowing your days are numbered at a place through no choice of your own, is not that lovely feeling of having handed in your notice and looking forward to getting into something new.

I’ve always been fairly good with stress, uni and school I only ever managed to get anything done last minute with the pressure on. But this, this scares me. I don’t enjoy giving up control, so to have that taken away is not great for me!

Another thing that concerns me is the lack of routine – I suck at being bored, so I don’t know how to fill that gap right now. There’s only so many job boards and LinkedIn you can do, and only so many times you can push out a tweet highlighting the situation without pissing people off!

I’ve also had some time out of the pub trade, which is more like a hobby but it brings in some cash. So I guess it’s time to return to that and try and keep myself busy while I find a ‘real’ job.

For now the plan is all about pushing my name and details out there and hope I get a lucky break. One thing that I know it will include, is the need for recruiters. I’ve never been overly fond of the need for recruitment consultants (and yeah, I’ve worked in recruitment) however I understand it’s how things are these days. So I guess we’ll see how that goes.

One thing I will say though, to any recruiters: if someone says that they do not want to commute to x, y or z because they left their last job due to hating the commute, it’s not a great look when you’re trying to push and push them to take a role there. Whilst I get that it’s kinda urgent to get a job, it’s not going to look great for anyone if I leave it for an opportunity closer to home down the line.

So there we are, redundancy day two. I hope I don’t have to write too many more of these.

Thanks for getting this far!

If you’ve been in the same boat, feel free to get in touch and if you have something to say on the topic, I’ll happily share it here anonymously.

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